Friday 8 March 2024


 International Women's Day (IWD) is a global celebration and a call to action for gender equality. Here are some key things to know about International Women's Day:

1. Date and Origin:

   - International Women's Day is celebrated annually on March 8th. The day has its roots in early 20th-century labor movements and women's rights activism.

2. Theme:

   - Each year, International Women's Day is associated with a specific theme that reflects current issues and challenges faced by women globally. Themes often focus on areas such as gender equality, women's empowerment, and the elimination of discrimination.

3. Global Celebration:

   - International Women's Day is observed worldwide, bringing attention to women's achievements, raising awareness about gender inequality, and promoting initiatives that contribute to positive change.

4. Purple Symbolism:

   - The color purple is often associated with International Women's Day. It symbolizes justice and dignity and is used to represent the solidarity of women globally.

5. #ChooseToChallenge:

   - The #ChooseToChallenge campaign gained prominence in recent years, encouraging individuals to challenge gender bias and inequality. The campaign emphasizes the importance of taking active steps to create a more inclusive and equal world.

6. Call to Action:

   - International Women's Day is not only a day of celebration but also a call to action. It encourages individuals and organizations to participate in activities that contribute to gender equality, such as supporting women-owned businesses, advocating for women's rights, and promoting inclusive workplaces.

7. United Nations Involvement:

   - The United Nations actively participates in International Women's Day, leveraging the day to highlight issues related to women's rights and gender equality. The UN Women's organization plays a central role in coordinating global efforts.

8. Progress and Challenges:

   - While there have been significant achievements in advancing women's rights, International Women's Day also serves as a reminder of the persistent challenges women face, including gender-based violence, unequal pay, and limited access to education and healthcare.

9. Local and Community Events:

   - International Women's Day is marked by various events at local and community levels, including panel discussions, workshops, art exhibitions, and cultural performances. These events provide opportunities for dialogue and engagement on women's issues.

10. Supporting Women-Owned Businesses:

    - Many initiatives encourage the support of women-owned businesses on International Women's Day. This includes promoting products and services provided by women entrepreneurs and recognizing their contributions to economic development.

International Women's Day serves as both a celebration of women's achievements and a reminder of the work still needed to achieve gender equality worldwide. It is a day for reflection, action, and solidarity in the pursuit of a more inclusive and just society.

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Tuesday 27 February 2024


 The Oronsaye Report refers to the report of the Presidential Committee on the Rationalization and Restructuring of Federal Government Parastatals, Commissions, and Agencies, chaired by Mr. Stephen Oronsaye. The report was submitted to the Nigerian government in 2014.

Here are key details about the Oronsaye Report:

1. Objective:

   - The primary objective of the Oronsaye Committee was to streamline and rationalize the numerous federal government agencies, parastatals, and commissions in Nigeria. The aim was to enhance efficiency, reduce duplication of functions, and cut down on the cost of governance.

2. Committee Composition:

   - The committee was chaired by Mr. Stephen Oronsaye, a retired Head of the Civil Service of the Federation. It comprised experts from various fields, including public administration, finance, and law.

3. Recommendations:

   - The report made several recommendations aimed at reducing the number of government agencies to enhance effectiveness and cost efficiency.

   - It proposed the reduction and merging of some agencies and the outright scrapping of others. The goal was to eliminate redundancy and improve service delivery.

4. Controversy:

   - The recommendations of the Oronsaye Report generated significant controversy and debate, especially among the affected agencies and their staff. The proposal to merge or scrap certain agencies faced resistance from those who argued that it could lead to job losses and disrupt ongoing projects.

5. Government Response:

   - The Nigerian government initially accepted some of the recommendations and began implementing them. However, due to the controversies and challenges associated with the restructuring, not all the proposed changes were fully implemented.

6. Ongoing Relevance:

   - The issues raised in the Oronsaye Report remain relevant in discussions about the structure and efficiency of the Nigerian public service. The report continues to be referenced in debates about the need for government reforms and cost reduction.

Monday 26 February 2024

The court has postponed the trial of Nnamdi Kanu to a later date.

 The trial of Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), at the Federal High Court in Abuja has been postponed until April 19. Judge Binta Nyako, overseeing the case in which Mr. Kanu is facing charges of terrorism brought by the Nigerian government, set the date for the trial's resumption.

During the next court session, the prosecuting lawyer, Adegboyega Awolowo, has pledged to present at least two witnesses. Mr. Awomolo's presence on Monday marks a significant change in the federal government's prosecution team, signifying the first instance of an external prosecutor leading the government's team since the case's inception in 2015.

The Naira experiences an increase in value relative to the US Dollar in the foreign exchange market.

 Nigeria's currency is rebounding against the United States dollar in both the parallel and official markets following the intervention by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to enhance the supply of the greenback in the economy.

Additionally, the Association of Bureau de Change Operators of Nigeria (ABCON) refuted claims of a shutdown of foreign exchange sales in Abuja, dismissing such information as misinformation aimed at creating confusion in the market.

Within less than 24 hours, the Naira appreciated by 8.57%, reaching N1,400 on Thursday after hitting N1,520 per dollar on Wednesday in the parallel market, commonly referred to as the black market, according to data gathered from various street traders.

The CBN's move to eliminate the cap on the allowable limit of -2.5% to +2.5% around the previous day’s closing rate for the International Money Transfer Operators (IMTOs) signifies a regulatory shift, providing IMTOs with greater flexibility in determining exchange rates.

This adjustment follows the announcement by the banking and financial institutions regulator imposing limits on how much banks can hold in foreign currencies. The CBN expressed concern about the surge in forex exposures on their balance sheets after the local currency experienced a decline against the U.S. dollar.

Wednesday 21 February 2024

Fuel Queues Resurface as Black Market Fuel Prices Surge to ₦1,000 per Liter

Amidst the ongoing strike by tanker drivers, opportunistic black market dealers are exploiting the situation, causing a surge in the price of Premium Motor Spirit, commonly known as petrol, with rates reaching ₦1000 per liter in certain areas of Lagos State.

The black market has witnessed a surge in prices, reaching N1000 per liter. In contrast, MEMAN stations, including Eterna, NorthWest, TotalEnergies, Mobil, Capital Oil, Enyo, Conoil, ForteOil, MRS, and others, have displayed varying prices ranging from ₦599 to ₦615 per liter.

Consumers are flocking to MEMAN stations in search of the most economical prices, leading to increased activity at their premises. However, many IPMAN stations currently remain closed due to a limited supply of products. For those that are open and have products available, the selling price is no less than ₦650 per liter.

Tuesday 20 February 2024

President Tinubu appoint son-in-law to run housing agency


  1. Bola Tinubu appointed Oyetunde Ojo, a former Member of the House of Representatives, as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Federal Housing Authority (FHA). Ojo has experience in the housing and hospitality industries, and he holds a Master’s degree in Peace and Conflict Studies from the University of Greenwich, United Kingdom.

  2. Mathias Terwase Byuan, Umar Dankane Abdullahi, Oluremi Omowaiye, and Ezekiel Nya-Etok were appointed as Executive Directors at the Federal Housing Authority (FHA).

  3. Shehu Usman Osidi was appointed as the CEO of the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN). Osidi is a banker with over 30 years of work experience, including 13 years in mortgage banking. He is an alumnus of Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government and the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Housing Finance.

  4. Ibidapo Odojukan, Muhammad Sani Abdu, and Chinenye Anosike were appointed as Executive Directors in the management team of the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN).

  5. Ajuri Ngelale, the presidential spokesperson, conveyed these appointments in a statement, expressing the president's expectations that the appointees will contribute to the delivery of affordable housing for Nigerians and provide job opportunities for the country's youth.

Tuesday 23 January 2024

Understanding Harrysong's Marital Crisis

 In recent times, the public sphere has been abuzz with discussions surrounding Nigerian music artist Harrysong and the reported challenges in his marital life. The news has ignited curiosity and concern among fans and observers alike, prompting a closer look into the dynamics of the singer's personal life. In this blog post, we aim to explore the reported marital crisis involving Harrysong and shed light on the complexities that often accompany public figures' private affairs.


Harrysong, known for his soulful voice and hit tracks, has been in the spotlight not just for his musical talents but also due to reports circulating about his marital struggles. The artist, who tied the knot in a seemingly blissful ceremony, now finds his personal life under scrutiny as rumors and speculations surface regarding the state of his marriage.

Media Reports and Speculations:

The media has been quick to pick up on the alleged marital discord, with reports suggesting various reasons behind the crisis. Speculations range from differences in personal values to external pressures, adding an air of mystery to the unfolding situation. It's crucial to approach such news with sensitivity, acknowledging that public figures, like anyone else, grapple with personal challenges.

Navigating Marital Struggles in the Public Eye:

The scrutiny faced by celebrities in the midst of personal challenges raises questions about the balance between public and private life. The intense public interest in the personal affairs of celebrities often magnifies the complexities of their relationships. The pressure to maintain a polished public image while dealing with personal struggles can undoubtedly take a toll on individuals in the limelight.

Impact on Mental Health:

The spotlight on a celebrity's marital issues can also shed light on the broader issue of mental health in the public eye. Celebrities are not immune to the emotional toll of relationship challenges, and the constant scrutiny can exacerbate the stress they experience. It's essential for both public figures and their audiences to approach such situations with empathy and understanding.

Public Response:

As news of Harrysong's marital crisis circulates, the public response has been a mix of concern, curiosity, and support. Fans have taken to social media to express their thoughts and sentiments, showcasing the strong emotional connection that exists between artists and their audience. While it's natural for fans to be invested in the lives of their favorite celebrities, it's equally important to respect the privacy of individuals during challenging times.


Harrysong's reported marital crisis serves as a reminder of the complexities that can arise in personal relationships, even for those in the public eye. As the public continues to follow the developments, it is crucial to approach such matters with empathy and respect for the individuals involved. Ultimately, the challenges faced by celebrities highlight the importance of maintaining a balance between public and private life while fostering a culture of understanding and support for those navigating difficult times.

Sunday 21 January 2024

Ibadan Blast: A Community United in Resilience

 In the wake of the recent blast that shook Ibadan, a vibrant city in southwestern Nigeria, the community is grappling with the aftermath of a tragic incident that has left its mark on the hearts of residents. The incident, which occurred just a few days ago, has sparked concerns and conversations about safety, preparedness, and the need for unity in times of adversity.

The Incident:

The blast, whose cause is still under investigation by authorities, occurred in Ibadan. The sudden and unexpected nature of the incident has left the community in shock and mourning for those who lost their lives and those who have been affected by the tragedy. The aftermath has seen an outpouring of support from both local and national levels, reflecting the resilience of the people of Ibadan.

Community Response:

In the face of adversity, the people of Ibadan have come together, demonstrating the strength of community bonds. Local organizations, community leaders, and individuals have rallied to provide immediate assistance to the affected families, offering shelter, food, and emotional support. The solidarity displayed by the residents of Ibadan reflects a shared commitment to helping one another in times of need.

Emergency Services and Volunteers:

The response from emergency services and volunteers has been swift and commendable. The brave men and women from various emergency response units have worked tirelessly to manage the situation, provide medical aid, and ensure the safety of the affected areas. Additionally, volunteers from within the community and neighboring areas have joined hands to offer their support, showcasing the power of collective action in times of crisis.

Government Intervention:

The government's prompt response to the incident has been crucial in managing the aftermath. Authorities are conducting thorough investigations to determine the cause of the blast and to prevent future occurrences. The commitment to transparency and accountability from the government is essential in rebuilding trust within the community and addressing concerns about safety and security.

Moving Forward:

As Ibadan heals from the recent tragedy, the focus is on rebuilding and preventing such incidents in the future. Community awareness programs, safety drills, and collaboration with relevant authorities are vital components of a comprehensive strategy to ensure the well-being of residents. The incident serves as a sobering reminder of the importance of preparedness and proactive measures to mitigate potential risks.


In the face of adversity, the people of Ibadan are proving that strength lies in unity. The recent blast has brought to light the resilience, compassion, and sense of community that defines this vibrant city. As the healing process begins, the collective determination to rebuild and foster a safer environment will undoubtedly shape the future of Ibadan. The city's spirit remains unbroken, and the community is poised to emerge stronger, more united, and more prepared for whatever challenges may lie ahead.

Monday 15 January 2024

Honoring Sacrifice: The Significance of Armed Forces Remembrance Day in Nigeria


Armed Forces Remembrance Day holds a special place in the hearts of Nigerians as it serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by the country's armed forces in defending the nation's sovereignty, preserving peace, and ensuring the safety of its citizens. This day, observed annually on January 15th, commemorates the fallen heroes who have paid the ultimate price in service to their country. In this blog post, we'll delve into the historical roots and significance of Armed Forces Remembrance Day in Nigeria.

Historical Background:

The origins of Armed Forces Remembrance Day in Nigeria can be traced back to the end of the Nigerian Civil War (1967-1970), a conflict that tested the unity of the nation. The war, also known as the Biafran War, saw Nigerian soldiers fighting against secessionist forces seeking to establish the independent Republic of Biafra. The conclusion of the war marked a crucial moment in Nigeria's history, prompting the government to establish a day dedicated to honoring the bravery and sacrifice of the armed forces.

Significance of January 15th:

January 15th holds particular significance as it marks the day the war officially ended in 1970, with the Biafran forces surrendering to the Nigerian government. Choosing this date for Armed Forces Remembrance Day symbolizes the unity and reconciliation that followed the conflict, emphasizing the importance of a unified Nigeria.

Honoring Fallen Heroes:

One of the primary reasons Nigeria celebrates Armed Forces Remembrance Day is to pay homage to the fallen heroes who gave their lives in service to the nation. The day serves as a solemn reminder of the sacrifices made by military personnel, both past and present, in defending the country's territorial integrity and maintaining peace.

Support for Veterans:

In addition to commemorating the fallen, Armed Forces Remembrance Day also serves as an opportunity to express gratitude and support for living veterans. The Nigerian government and various organizations use this occasion to raise awareness about the needs of veterans, including healthcare, housing, and employment opportunities. It is a day when Nigerians come together to acknowledge the ongoing contributions of those who have served in the armed forces.

Promoting Patriotism:

Armed Forces Remembrance Day plays a crucial role in fostering a sense of patriotism and national pride among Nigerians. It encourages citizens to reflect on the sacrifices made to secure the nation's freedom and inspires a collective commitment to upholding the unity and peace of the country.


Armed Forces Remembrance Day in Nigeria is a solemn occasion that honors the sacrifice, courage, and dedication of the nation's armed forces. Beyond its historical roots, this day serves as a reminder of the ongoing need to support veterans and cultivate a sense of national pride. As Nigerians come together each year on January 15th, they not only remember the fallen but also renew their commitment to a united and prosperous Nigeria. 

Sunday 24 December 2023

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu Extends Heartfelt Christmas Message to Nigerians

In his Christmas message, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu conveyed warm wishes to the Nigerian people, emphasizing the spirit of unity and hope during the festive season. He highlighted the importance of coming together as a nation to celebrate the joy of Christmas, acknowledging the resilience of Nigerians in the face of challenges. President Tinubu also expressed optimism for a brighter future, urging citizens to embrace peace, love, and solidarity. The message touched on the significance of fostering goodwill among diverse communities and working collectively towards the prosperity of the nation. Overall, President Tinubu’s Christmas message aimed to inspire a sense of togetherness and optimism among Nigerians during this special time of the year.

Thursday 26 October 2023

Analyzing the Impact of Supreme Court Judgments on Nigeria's Election Petitions

Title: "Analyzing the Impact of Supreme Court Judgments on Nigeria's Election Petitions"


In the vibrant and dynamic world of Nigerian politics, election petitions have always played a pivotal role in shaping the country's democratic landscape. The apex court in Nigeria, the Supreme Court, often finds itself at the center of these legal battles. With the power to make or break political fortunes, Supreme Court judgments on election petitions have far-reaching consequences for the nation. In this blog post, we delve into the intricate web of Nigeria's election petition process and explore the profound implications of Supreme Court decisions.

Understanding the Election Petition Process:

Nigeria, like many other democratic nations, has a well-defined process for handling election petitions. When a candidate or political party feels that an election has not been conducted in accordance with the law or has been marred by irregularities, they can file a petition with the appropriate tribunal. These petitions can range from disputes over gubernatorial elections to presidential contests. The tribunal reviews the evidence presented and makes a decision.

The Appeal to the Supreme Court:

The Supreme Court comes into play when a party involved in an election petition is dissatisfied with the decision of the tribunal. As the highest court in Nigeria, the Supreme Court has the authority to review these cases and has the final say in determining the rightful winner of the election. The judgments issued by the Supreme Court are binding and irreversible, which makes them of paramount importance in the country's political sphere.

Implications of Supreme Court Judgments:

1. Legal Precedent: Supreme Court judgments on election petitions often set legal precedents, shaping the interpretation of electoral laws in Nigeria. These decisions impact future election processes, ensuring that they are conducted with more transparency and fairness.

2. Political Landscape: The judgments can significantly impact the political landscape, determining who holds key positions in the government. They can confirm a candidate's victory or order a rerun, leading to shifts in power and influence.

3. Public Trust: The integrity of the Supreme Court's decisions is essential for maintaining public trust in the electoral process. Citizens need to believe that their votes count and that the court will ensure a fair outcome.

4. Legal Challenges: These judgments can also trigger legal challenges and reforms, as they highlight shortcomings in the electoral process. They can lead to calls for better regulation and adherence to the rule of law.


The Supreme Court's role in adjudicating election petitions in Nigeria is a crucial aspect of the country's democratic system. These judgments not only determine the winners and losers of elections but also shape the legal and political landscape for years to come. As the custodian of justice and the final arbiter in election disputes, the Supreme Court plays a pivotal role in upholding the principles of democracy in Nigeria.

Tuesday 7 May 2019

Gov Ahmed Appoints Acting Vice Chancellor for Kwara State University

Gov Ahmed Appoints Acting Vice Chancellor for Kwara State University

The Kwara State  Governor, Alhaji Abdulfatah Ahmed has approved the appointment of Professor Kenneth S. Adeyemi, as the acting Vice Chancellor of Kwara State University (KWASU).

The Kwara State Commissioner for Tertiary Education, Science and Technology, Barrister Abdullahi S. Alikinla, who announced  Professor Adeyemi’s appointment in a statement, also directed the incumbent Vice-Chancellor, Professor Abdulrasheed Naalah to hand over to the acting Vice Chancellor and proceed on terminal leave as his tenure expires in July 2019.

The commissioner said the acting Vice-Chancellor, Professor Adeyemi, is to take charge of responsibilities relating to the smooth running of the institution in accordance with the law establishing it.

Barrister Alikinla said Governor Ahmed took the decisions in the exercise of the powers conferred on him by the Kwara State University Law 2009 as amended which empowers the Visitor to the University to appoint and remove the Vice Chancellor for good cause and following due consultations
Image result for professor kenneth s adeyemi

Big Brother Naija season 4 will commence June

Organisers of Big Brother Naija have announced June 2019 as the COMMENCENCEMENT of the season 4 of the reality TV show.

Scheduled to be filmed in Nigeria, Pulse was reliably informed that the fourth season will last 90 days. However, further details have been kept away from the public.

On Friday, May 2, 2019, Multichoice Nigeria teased the audience with a possible theme for the fourth edition, ‘Forget Wahala.’
Big Brother Naija season 4 has been rumoured to be themed 'Forget Wahala.' [Twitter/Big Brother Naija]